Each child must meet current State of Nebraska age and health requirements, along with providing proof of immunizations received in order to qualify for enrollment. Millard Children's Academy accepts children regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and disability. There is a $50 per child enrollment fee for families enrolling at the Academy. Whenever possible, parents are encouraged to give the Academy a two-week notice of their intention to disenroll their child.
As child care providers, we strive to keep the Academy a clean, safe, and healthy environment for the children entrusted into our care. To that end, we have guidelines in place, as set forth by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the Sarpy/Cass Health Department, that mirror those you will be required to follow when your child goes to school.
Unfortunately, we all get sick and sometimes contagious illnesses are present before symptoms appear. If you are called to retireve your child due to illness, the sooner the child is picked up, the better we are able to minimize exposure to all the other children and staff. When we have a confirmed case of an illness, we post flyers to let other parents know for which potential illnesses to be on the lookout.
Exclusion of children and staff is necessary if they have the following signs and symptoms:
- Fever of 100.4° or greater.
- Signs/symptoms of possible severe illness.
- Vomiting - 2 or more episodes in 24 hours.
- Diarrhea - Uncontrolled or uncontained.
- Mouth sores with drooling.
- Eye drainage.
- Unusual skin color or rashes.
- Head lice or nits.
At Millard Children's Academy, we understand that children, while otherwise healthy, may need to have medications administered while under our care. We strictly follow the Five Rights of Medication Administration:
- The Right child
- The Right medication
- The Right dose
- The Right time
- The Right route
Unlike other child care centers and preschools in Omaha that only have a few key employees certified, we encourage each and every member of our staff to become CPR and First-Aid Certified. Our entire management team is certified in both at all times. Through multiple local certified trainers and facilities, we provide paid training opportunities to each of our employees. We currently have 32 employees certified in CPR, and 29 employees certified in First-Aid.
Millard Children's Academy requires all families to pay via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) on a weekly basis. There is a $35 Returned EFT Charge assessed for all EFTs returned unpaid, and that family will be required to pay CASH for the unpaid EFT amount plus $35 by Friday of the week of the return. If that payment is not made, they will be refused future services until their entire balance is paid in full in cash. After three EFT returns, families will be required to pay cash in advance for all future services. MCA reserves the right to refuse service for lack of timely payment. Late payment fees of $25 per week will accrue for all outstanding balances until paid in full. For all tuition rates, all weekly and weekly minimum charges still apply when the Academy is closed for a holiday or any other day.
At Millard Children's Academy, we take our responsibility for the safety of each child very seriously. We will NOT release a child to anyone other than their parent or legal guardian without explicit permission. If someone other than a parent or legal guardian will be picking up your child from MCA, they will need to be named on your enrollment papers or an updated MCA Consent to Release Form*. They will then need to be registered in our system by bringing in a valid photo ID the first time that they come to pick up your child. If you need someone that is not registered with us, please write their FULL name (first & last) on the Special Pick-Up Information clipboard at the Front Desk and fill out the rest of the required information. Please remind them to bring in a photo ID, as we will be checking it before releasing your child.
* This consent form will remain in effect unless and until it is revoked in writing.
In order for us to serve you and your family in the best manner possible, including in the event of illness or emergency, and to comply with all child care center licensing standards, it is important for you to keep the following information we have on file up-to-date:
- Contact Phone Numbers: Cell, Work, Home, Pagers, etc.
- Home Address and Workplace Names and Addresses.
- Email Addresses
- Immunization Records.
- Authorized Pick-Up Names, Addresses, and Phone Numbers.
In response to parental feedback, and to improve upon our communication efforts in regards academic achievement and social development, we provide semi-annual progress reports for our Preschool children. In April and October of each year, we prepare formal reports designed to give parents direct feedback on their preschooler's performance. These reports allow all of us to better track their path toward Kindergarten readiness and social advancement.
If any parents would like a personal conference with the Director and/or teachers, they are encouraged to do so and they can be scheduled by calling 402-861-0778.
Parents of infants still on formula and/or baby food are required to supply these items based on their individual child's needs. Once your child is on whole milk and table food, MCA provides all meals at no extra charge.
Each child's nutritional needs will be met while they are at the Academy:
- Breakfast is available to all children between 6:45 AM and 8:00 AM.
- Mid-morning snack is served at 9:00 AM.
- A balanced lunch is served between 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM (depending on the child’s age).
- Mid-afternoon snack is served at 3:00 PM, while Schoolers are given a snack upon their return from school.
- All meals and snacks are prepared in our on-site kitchen strictly following USDA guidelines.
- We do not allow "sack" lunches to be brought from home. Some children may have severe food allergies that can be life-threatening by merely being exposed to certain foods. We need to be able to control the food items in our Academy.
We realize every child is unique; if your child has special dietary requirements due to allergies, medical reasons, or religious or personal beliefs, we have strict guidelines in place to ensure their needs are met. We have cared for children with Asthma, Diabetes, Celiac Disease, Severe Allergies, strict religious beliefs, and many other personal needs. Please read through our TESTIMONIALS page to gain perspective on our commitment to these issues.
Millard Children's Academy's staff will aid parents in their efforts to potty train their children and parents are encouraged to ask our staff for that assistance. If needed, parents are required to supply disposable diapers or pull-ups* (no cloth diapers allowed), diaper wipes, and ointments as needed and are encouraged to mark each item with their child's full name. Our staff will notify parents when a child's supply is nearly exhausted. Your child CAN start in our preschool program even if they are not fully trained. They usually pick it up pretty fast by getting lots of encouragement, plenty of help, and by seeing the rest of their peers using the potty.
* Once your child is three, we ask that you provide pull-ups with velcro straps on the side.
Depending upon the age of each child, and compliant with their parents' wishes, they will be given an opportunity to rest and/or nap. A small pillow, crib sheet for covering mats, and blanket should be kept at the Academy at all times for each child's use during nap time. Parents are expected to take pillows, sheets, blankets and sleep items home on a weekly basis for laundering. Parents of infants and toddlers are encouraged to communicate with their children's teachers as often as possible in order to determine their daily needs.
Children should wear comfortable and washable clothing while attending MCA. While present, children are expected to participate in a variety of activities, including going outside when weather conditions permit. Children should wear properly-fitting socks and shoes, not flip-flops or sandals, which allow them to play on pea gravel and in our gym safely and comfortably. Each child should have a spare set of clothing at the Academy at all times in case of lunch-time spills or potty accidents. Children are encouraged to use a small backpack, small gym bag, or large zippered bags for storing and transporting their belongings.
Please do not allow your child to bring toys, cars, games, etc. to school. We have plenty of items on hand for your child to play and interact with. We will not be held responsible for lost or misplaced items and have needlessly spent countless hours searching for them. Your child may, however, bring a small stuffed animal or their favorite sleep item for nap time.
Please make sure that all of your child's belongings are labeled with their first and last names--blankets, nap items, cups, jackets/coats, backpacks, spare clothes, etc. This will help us return items to their proper owners, should they be misplaced, and helps us avoid contributing more items to our ever-growing pile of "lost and found" items.
A birthday is a very special day in the life of a child. The Academy will celebrate birthdays during morning preschool activities. If a parent wishes to provide treat bags containing toys, trinkets, books, pencils, etc., please let the Academy know in advance. Due to potential allergens and in order for us to remain in compliance with State and Federal regulations, we no longer allow food items to be brought into our facility for birthday treats.
Millard Children's Academy has an open door policy for our parents and legal guardians. They are invited to visit the Academy at any time while their children are in attendance. Parental input is always welcome and encouraged.
At Millard Children's Academy, we have a specifically designed and structurally-reinforced tornado shelter in our basement level. During tornado emergencies, both children and staff will take refuge in the shelter and all doors will remain locked. Fire and tornado drills are conducted by the Academy on a regular basis to ensure proper procedures are followed in case of emergency.
At Millard Children's Academy, we know that a child's curiosity can get the best of them. We know that the hand is quicker than the eye. In our efforts to provide as safe an environment as possible, we have installed Finger Guards by Fingersafe®USA on as many doors as we can throughout our Academy. Finger Guards offer finger protection for the hinged side of doors that prevent fingers from being pinched, crushed, or even amputated at the hinged end of doors. These devices force fingers away from the hinge side of a door as it is closing, helping to prevent injuries.
Here at Millard Children’s Academy, we are proud to do our part in reducing waste harmful to our environment. With our recycling program, we have encouraged the children to participate by helping them decide which bin they should place their items into. On our upper level, we have a clearly-marked Recycling Zone with labels indicating which materials are allowed into each bin–glass, plastic/paper, and our typical waste bins. Through our recycling program, we hope to educate the children on reducing their waste while instilling in them this environmentally-conscious habit for a lifetime.
Since its inception, Millard Children's Academy has rarely closed for snow days or inclement weather. In fact, since January 2000, we have closed for snow exactly seven times: four full days, twice at noon, and once at 3:00 PM.
We know many of our parents have to work and are counting on us to be there no matter how extreme the conditions may become. We get that! We will always do our very best to be open when we say we'll be open.